European Commission Consortium Agreement

So what needs to be done to meet the needs of consortium members at an early stage, without having to devote the necessary resources and time before being clearer about funding? This process summarizes the main steps in concluding the signing of your grant agreement: further regulation of IP-related issues is not mandatory, but is highly recommended for unionized partners. The following IP-related issues can be considered in the consortium agreement: Although it is not mandatory, we recommend referring to the structure of the DESCA and the guidelines when developing a consortium agreement. As I said above, it is advisable to use experienced legal assistance in the preparation of this agreement. The DESCA presentation should only be referenced as a means of structuring the agreement in general and taking into account important aspects to be taken into consideration. If the consortium has decided not to sign its grant during the preparatory phase of the grant, it can initiate the termination process through the GRANT MANAGEMENT IT tool. Consult the detailed screens and descriptions of the termination before signing the grant. That said, there is one important point to consider: preparing a Horizon 2020 consortium agreement requires a significant investment of time, resources and legal resources. If the project is not funded by the European Commission, such an allocation of money and time will be mostly (and unfortunately) lost. Note: The costs associated with the preparation of a consortium agreement are not reimbursable, as the consortium agreement should be signed before the grant agreement is signed.

However, costs related to the updating of the consortium agreement shall be eligible if they are incurred during the duration of the action. Please use the My Projects page of the funding & Tenders Portal to prepare your grant by entering the necessary data and signing your grant agreement online. This data will also be available in PDF format. The consortium agreement complements the grant agreement for Horizon 2020. While the grant agreement establishes the binding legal relationship between the European Commission and the project partners, the consortium agreement establishes and regulates the relationship between the partners themselves….