Agreement Has Been Reached On

If you are considering divorce proceedings, the agreement may be included in a court order. Kew Law may draft a court order on your behalf containing the corresponding legal documents. This can then be sent to a district judge for the court to authorize the issuance of the Nisi Decree as part of the divorce proceedings. The court order is forwarded to the Tribunal with the agreement of both parties and is often referred to as an order of approval. Approval regulations can be broad, from very simple orders that provide for a complete and final settlement to more complex orders that deal with a large number of marital assets. Kew Law can advise you on the fairness of the agreement you have entered into so that you can be sure that the agreement you have discussed with your partner is in your legal interest. In some circumstances, you and your spouse/partner have had a discussion about the distribution of marital property and you will be satisfied with the agreement reached…