H2020 Framework Partnership Agreement

refers, in the Marie Skłodowska Curie programme, to the agreement signed between the beneficiary(ies) and the partner organisation(s) to settle their relationship. This agreement must be in accordance with the grant agreement. for FP7 Marie Curie Actions, an agreement signed between the beneficiary and one or more associated partners. This agreement must be signed before the grant agreement is signed. is one of the instruments of the Enterprise Europe network to promote technological and business partnerships between companies across Europe and beyond. It contains thousands of requests and offers from companies, universities and research centres in different sectors. any legal entity established under national law as such, as well as international organisations. The priority date is the first filing date of a patent application anywhere in the world (normally in the applicant`s National Patent Office) in order to protect an invention. The priority date is used to determine the novelty of the invention, which means that it is an important concept in patent proceedings. see the plan for the use and dissemination of the accent. is a qualified professional in a scientific discipline and is qualified for obtaining patent and design applications. under the Marie Skłodowska Curie programme, it applies to non-beneficiary organisations that contribute to the project by providing training during secondments and hosting researchers (or staff). These organisations include a declaration of commitment in the proposal in order to ensure their effective and active participation in the proposed project.

under European Research Council (ERC) support programmes, each researcher who, on behalf of the invited institution, submits proposals for Initial, Consolidating and Advanced Grants and who has scientific responsibility for the project. defines the subject matter and technical characteristics of the invention that are « claimed » by the applicant/owner exclusively. Claims are expected to be short and supported by the patent description section. is designated when the exclusive rights to obsolete intellectual property are made available to the public for full use. under Horizon 2020, the acquisition of research and development services, including the sharing of risks and benefits under market conditions, and the evolution of competition at stages where there is a clear separation between the research and development services obtained and the supply of commercial quantities of finished products. under Horizon 2020, procurement in which contracting authorities can act as the first customer for innovative goods or services that are not yet commercially widely available and include compliance checks. refers to computer software owned by an individual or company that may not be copied, used, modified or distributed by others without the permission of its owner; Its source code is almost always kept secret. is granted by a governmental authority which, accordingly, confers on the beneficiary of intellectual property rights that interfere with its owner the exclusive right to prevent third parties from marketing – from producing, selling, selling or importing – the invention that is commercially protected for a limited period of time (usually 20 years) by purchase. . . .