Key Issuance Agreement

The receiving authority is responsible for the return of all keys issued by student staff, volunteers or contractors on the key application form until the due date. At the end of each date, the receiving authority must return the keys to FPM or reapply for the key release. If a student does not return the key to the receiving authority at the end of the appointment, the student`s files may be frozen until the key is returned. If a contractor does not return a key at the end of the project, the last payment may be withheld until the key is returned. In order to protect the privacy and safety of staff, the following policies and procedures regarding the issuance and use of keys are applied at Somerset Community College: Violation of key issuance and control guidelines and procedures may result in the loss of the right to key rights and may also subject staff to corrective action that may be included in the personal file. Violations may also result in disciplinary action that can only be managed in accordance with the provisions of the existing collective agreement, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the California Education Code. A person requesting a key (user) must provide Facility Planning and Management (FPM) with a signed and completed FPM key application form, signed by the receiving authority, as well as a Cal Pom Polyona certificate or government-issued visual identification. Anyone who requests the issuance of a key is committed to following the rules of the policy and procedures for issuing and controlling keys and protecting the keys given to them. FPM verifies the initial signature of the authorization authority before the key is distributed to the user. Signature stamps are not accepted. If the requested key provides access to areas outside the jurisdiction of the undersigned receiving authority, the requirement is rejected. A new key requirement form with the corresponding signature must be filed. Receiving authority: the dean of a university or university department or the head of an administrative unit is the responsible reception authority for the establishment of spatial keys that accesses one (s) chamber (s) in one or more buildings belonging to the college/department or administrative unit; The vice-president of a division is the receiving authority for the allocation of a key to the division of the contractors and a key of the department that have access to the buildings assigned to the division; The president of the university is the competent authority for the issuance of a master`s key that accesses several buildings; and the Director of the Student Health Centre is the licensing authority for the student health centre and pharmacy.

The dean of the university university or head of the department of the administrative unit, where students, volunteers or contractors work, must sign, as the competent authority on reception, all important requests for keys to these individuals. Keys are issued only temporarily for the duration of their appointment/engagement. Key Division (s): Master Key Division (s) open specific exterior and interior doors in a particular building made available by the department (except special locks) FPM conducts periodic audits to ensure that each department and administrative unit complies with key delivery and control guidelines and procedures. All other locks are prohibited and must be removed by MPF staff. All costs of such a distance are charged to the university or the administrative unit. The removed locks are not returned and no refund rights are taken into account. The person to whom a key is issued must not give or lend the key to another person and is solely responsible for securing the keys that are submitted to him.