Rebate Agreement Template Uk

After entering basic information about a discount agreement, you need to specify the inclusion rules that indicate what you need to buy to get the discount. The system applies purchases to a discount agreement based on one of the following: you must enter the total amount of the discount or percentage you must receive for each threshold, regardless of the other thresholds for which you may have already received a discount. For example, considering that the state has the power to enter into agreements with drug manufacturers in order to collect additional discounts in favor of the state`s Medicaid members, provided that such agreements are approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS); and basic information about any agreement, for example. B the supplier granting the discount, the validity dates of the discount, etc. In the Customer code and customer selection boxes, specify the customer or group of customers who will benefit from this discount agreement. You can also select the All client code if the agreement applies to all clients. To add comments or instructions specific to this discount agreement, enter your comments in the Note box on the Note tab. A one-time purchase transaction cannot apply to more than one sales contract. You specify a threshold type to indicate whether a discount contract is based on a quantity you purchased or an amount you purchased. You specify a discount type to indicate if you have a certain discount amount or a percentage of the purchase amount. If more than one of your suppliers has the same parent company, you may want to track discount information at the top level and not at the supplier level. You can set up purchase instructions (P4306) for each vendor to indicate the level of tracking of discount information. You can enter a category code value to indicate a group of items from which you can shop.

The system applies purchases to the discount contract each time you purchase an item assigned to the category code value. The amount of the discount or the percentage of purchases that determines the amount of the discount If you enter orders, the system applies quantities and purchase amounts to discounts. . . .